Friday, 19 December 2014

Goodbye to the old front door

Our new front door has traveled over from Germany and was fitted today. The major problem is going to be not locking ourselves out because unlike the last one this door locks behind you. Also, the post lady usually just opens the door and puts any deliveries inside - she won't be able to do that anymore.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

At last I own a Porsche

Oops .. I meant porch. Stuart made the frame and the roofers have clothed it in zinc - we are pretty pleased with it!

Meanwhile Stuart has been fitting more and more windows. It's pretty cold and draughty in there with the windows out whilst he is doing it

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Naked House

It's no longer clothed in scaffolding, its coat of render has been chipped off, and the timber cladding has been removed and cut up for firewood.

Meanwhile I have been working in the studio - putting up stud walls for the store & the ensuite and putting in insulation