Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Upstairs I have been working my way round the exterior walls, fixing battens, lining the walls with insulation and then a layer of plasterboard.

Sue has been tidying up the front garden. A good place to catch the late afternoon sun and the opportunity to chat to neighbours. It gives a sign to those passing that things are going to change to this house that has stood unloved for so long. Meanwhile, in the back I have been digging a test hole to see how deep the foundations for the extension should go - Building Control are coming tomorrow to look at it.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Inside upstairs: finished putting plasterboard on the ceiling, a new loft hatch/ladder fitted and have started battening the walls and fitting insulation ready for more plasterboard.

Outside: Chas and crew almost finished clearing the back

The good news is we had our letter today saying we have been granted our Planning Permission!!!!

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Chas and Dave are working at our house! No honestly - that's what they are called - I've seen Chas's business card and Dave has his name tattooed on the back of his neck! They have come to do a site clearance - dig up some concrete, take down the lean-to summerhouse and the brick shed, level the site and take out the laurel  hedge that will be in front of the house extension, (bit of a gamble as we are still waiting for the planning permission - it's in the post!)